Cod: 283866
Bacchanal - Sold
Author : Simone Barabino (Genova 1585 – Milano 1660)
Period: 17th century
The unpublished painting is the work of the rare painter Simone Barabino (Genoa 1585 - Milan 1660). His teacher was Bernardo Castello “Under the direction of such an excellent Professor Simone applied himself to study the works of the principal masters; and many scripts with such beautiful aptitude, and accuracy, that he soon came to be considered as one of the best designers of the Nude Academy. " [Sopranos / Ratti p. 165] He was an envied painter. The castle "…; in seeing him so skilful…. He began to look at him with an unloving eye, and to beg for pretexts, to banish him from his room. The Younger noticed it, and from the Maestro lic